More and more people are using social media to help with their job search because it’s a great way to spread the word that you are looking for work. If you don’t let people know that you are looking for work, then this is a lost opportunity for networking.   The next time you are on one of your social media sites let your friends and followers know that you are looking. They may not know of any immediate job opening but they will keep you in mind if they hear of any.

For those that are unsure of using social medial for their job search it is important to remember that more companies and recruiters are using social media to find and screen candidates. The top three sites that are currently being used are: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.   Today some companies are announcing new job postings on social media sites before they even post through traditional methods.

One of the great things about social media is how quickly you can access the latest job-search advice and trends. Various sites are teaming with recruiters, bloggers, career counsellors and HR personnel who are eager to share their expertise with job seekers. The next time you go online, make sure you devote some time to follow the experts or companies in your field of interest.

Now that you are using social media to network and discover information about companies and potential job postings it is crucial you have created a professional profile. If you have recently applied for a job, there’s a good chance that your profile has been looked at by the company you are applying to. With that in mind it is time to tidy your online profiles by removing risqué photos or messages. You may also want to replace your profile picture with one that is more professional.

Online Presence assessment with Google

What shows up when you search your name? Most likely, there’s a ton of information, from tweets to photos. It’s quite easy for employers to find information you may have preferred to keep private. Much of it can be found by Googling your full name. If nothing comes up in your first search you may want to try adding the city you are living in to your search with your full name. Be aware of what shows up, and if any photos or posts could stop your job search, change your profile settings or delete the individual posts.

Social media, when used the wrong way, can backfire and jeopardize a job offer or even your current job. It’s important to be careful and consider what you should do on social media to aid your job search, as well as some bad habits that are best avoided.

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